Week Peek
1.) A girl and her Dog
2.) Baby smiles, giggles, and coos.
3.) Fall nail enamel. Both are Sinful Color.
4.) Riley was not cooperating. Her mama took about five pictures before we gave up and just laughed at her little faces. For the record, she looks terrified in every single one.
5.) Still eating my wedding candy.
6.) The first batch of apple sauce went so well, round two is underway.
Today is fall break and it feels deliciously Saturday-like on a Friday. I cleaned my house, went to breakfast with my husband, and indulged in Kelly and Michael for a full hour. Later, Ryan and I are off to a roller skating birthday party for our niece. Let me repeat that -- ROLLER SKATING PARTY!
I may be a little excited. I plan to fly around that rink like it's 1997. And the couples skate....oh, I waited for this day since the fifth grade. I made Ry practice around our living room, holding hands and humming Elton John. Cannn you feeeeel the loooove tooooonight?
I'll be back tomorrow with a real post. In the meantime
Horrified Baby Version 2