Happy Thanksgiving!

by - 9:41 AM

Whenever I am asked who makes my dreams real, I say that you do.

Last night I lay in bed thinking about the things that I am thankful for and the real thing is that there is nothing in my life that I should take for granted. I know that. Everything is a blessing. That's a pretty long list, so I made a choice to be expressly thankful and I reverted to what I pray about every night and the things I thank God for on a daily basis.

I'm so thankful for my husband. That man is so unlike everyone else in the world and nothing would matter without him. Every night, I ask God to keep him safe, safer than me.

I'm thankful for my turkey dogs. They do all sorts of naughty, but they're mostly lovable and keep my house from being criminally violated.

I'm thankful for my home. For my career. My education. My friends. My and Ry's collective family. My Oma.

My marriage.

Oh so thankful for writing. Thank you God --you gave me a creative mind and an inescapable urge to write. Thank you for creating me to be a writer.

I don't usually bother God with the following, but I'm still thankful:  Goodwill. The mall. Good shopping and cheap shoes. Red lipstick. Swedish Fish. Blogging. Snowy mornings. Stormy summer days. Sledding. Banana nut bread. Happy memories. Years of love. Qdoba. Skype. Preshy-precious nieces. Pinterest. Twinkle lights. Vodka tonics and champagne. Candles. Ikea.

Oxygen. Life.

Happy Thanksgiving, all. Much love, so much happiness and wishing you the happiest holiday yet.
If you shop Black Friday (and let's be honest, black Thursday) -- may you avoid the stampede and not be crushed. That is my Thanksgiving wish for you.

Gobble 'til you wobble!

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