Week Peek 12/20

by - 11:35 AM

As I've mentioned before, I'm feeling decidedly un-Christmas-y. It sucks. I feel joy, but none of the antsy excitement. I've hardly started to listen to Christmas music. It all feels very 'typical day' to me. I'm hoping very much that a few days at home, a couple run throughs of Home Alone, and an embarrassing amount of eggnog will change all that.

In the meantime, I'm trying. I really am. I made a pinata this week. I shopped for gifts every single night this week. Every.Single.Night. I watched The Grinch. I ate enough cookies to exceed my calorie goals for a month. My good friend, Bart, so thoughtfully sent me an early Christmas gift ---

And still, no mirth. No merry. Just the normal happy to be alive, yet today is like any other day variety of joy for this girl.

So, here's the plan for today, the get your holiday loving spirit in order and snuggle the crap out of this season because there's only five days left to make it your best friend, plan.

A Christmas tree tour. How fun!

1.) For my husband, the pilot. 


2.) For my Opa.


3.) For me. I love a deal and it was only .99 pennies. 


4.) For my pup. He is not white, but Wal-Mart doesn't believe in black Lhasas. 


5.) For the love of glitter.


6.) For the love of Love. 


I am blessed. God is good. 


And now, from my very own troupe of Hodges boys ---

Merry Christmas

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