The Best of 2015

by - 9:41 AM

Oh man, 2016. Right on the edge and ready to swoop in to dismiss 2015 forever. FORRRR-EVVV-ERRRR.

Every year, I write a "Best Of 20XX" update, and I really love putting these together. I think it gives me a good opportunity to look at the year as a whole and just consider where there was success, where there was struggle, and where I can fit in more pancakes and mimosas in the coming year.

Considering it now, I think 2015 felt a little stagnant for the first half. Then we got serious about finding a house and it was like we'd smacked the piñata right in its weak spot. Every good thing starting pouring out and I was in a mad scramble to grab every single piece.

So, without waxing any further on things that don't necessitate emotional drib-drab, all the goodies in our piñata -- The Best of 2015. Oh and just FYI, it's not really in chronological order because, whatever, formatting's hard.


Ryan earned his Pilot's License:


And then her mom called it quits on human incubating. 


KJ A.) had a baby and then B.) had her baby baptized, providing an excellent reason for 80% of our high school group to get together in one house. Next year, we have a wedding to attend and then in 2017, it's up to someone to have another baby. 


We discovered this specific bowl of chorizo queso, and I am not kidding you, it places high on the Best of 2015 list.  


Ryan and my brother-in-law, Justin, power-packed two motorcycles with tents, tiny sleeping mats and astronaut food, and trekked it across the country in a bike trip that might actually be described with the accurate usage of epic. Thousands of miles, several weeks, and a really interesting helmet tan equates to a very real sense of gratefulness that this is the life we've cultivated. 


Summer number two of living just a red hot second away from Lake Michigan. 


Small Awesomes, all year long:

You guys, a full week of fair food.


And, of course, you've heard me rambling on about it for nearly two months. Ryan and I climbed to the highest diving board, teetered to the edge, grabbed each other's hands, closed our eyes (well, me anyway) and took a leap. The pool is called debt and there's no life jackets available. Sink or swim, we bought our first home

And for a change in 2016, you've probably already heard, we decided to bring home another dog. We'd actually made that decision when the offer was accepted on our house. With a larger yard, a bigger house, and a place out in the middle of nowhere, we knew we wanted to invite a new personality into our lives, and specifically one that wouldn't be so inviting of strangers into our home.  So just two days ago, we met our new babe, a tiny little Rottweiler pup born the day before Thanksgiving, and plan to bring him home in the next couple of weeks. 


It always blows me away how much can change in a year. Every year I get all kinds of basic-bish about New Years and wonder about what's lurking in the coming months. But seriously, what is hanging out in some random weekend in May? And what will I encounter somewhere along the summer?

2015 was good -- slightly stagnant to begin with, but that's life. Ebbs and flows, baby. This was the year I became the Style Section columnist and began to feel more comfortable in my career. It was the year that Ryan and I decided NOT to buy a starter house. So we saved a little more and went with our forever home. It was the year my sister had her last baby, and my best friend had her first.

It was the year that I became a Belieber.

See how much can change in a year? Ha!

Happy New Year, folks. I wish you a confetti gun and lots to eat and drink tonight. I hope we all get rich this year, too.


Best of 2013 |  2014

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