May 7, 2017

by - 8:31 AM

Five things this Sunday. You know Duke's sleep story (and are probably as dead bored of it as I am), and you also know about George, so you can understand why I aim for expediency these days.
PS - aren't they precious?

1.) A couple of weeks ago, Duke started making some random consenant sounds. Mostly 'nanananaaaanaaa"(hey hey hey- goodbye!). This week, he added "Dada dada dada" to his repertoire and I'm not jealous or anything. Just trying to appreciate this special time when he is crying and yelling for daaaaadaaaaadaaaa -- like hey, he wants you to go get him and change that poopy diaper.

2.) They say money can't buy happiness (but it can buy you a boat). Side note, I listen to country music now. But only when I cook dinner. Anyway, Ryan bought "us" a power washer and a lawn mower and he is just a gopher in soft dirt. My lawn was mowed twice this week and washing the cars has become a part of the morning routine. And if you haven't seen my Instagram stories, you might not know that Grandma Jan got Duke a walker and there is no joy like a little dude with sudden autonomy. Coolest thing is calling his name and he comes rolling in the kitchen on command. Not coolest thing is him chasing me around and slamming into the back of my ankles when he's hungry and I'm not mixing the cereal fast enough.

3.) Speaking of him, he's currently sleeping. Hail Mary.

4.) Every Saturday morning, as I'm flipping pancakes or making my third cup of coffee, I always think I could totally be a stay-at-home-mom. I could become a little extra, you know, taking holidays really seriously and managing to keep my floor swept. I'd make dinner every night and fold my own laundry.  Every Sunday afternoon after the babillionth nap time struggle punctuated by the dogs barking the second Duke finally falls asleep, and suddenly I'm like, nope. No way. Thank God I get to leave this house tomorrow.

5.) A quick list of confessions from this week with little to no elaboration: I'm counting down the days until I can be done breastfeeding. I use having a child as an excuse to watch Saturday morning cartoons and only put on the stuff I watched as a kid. Think Magic School Bus and Garfield and Friends. I'm literally on my third cup of coffee. I went on a plant buying spree in the last few weeks and they're all in varying stages of death and I don't know why. It pisses me off to even look at them fledgling along. I have become obsessed with refinishing our wood floors. I got pretty habituated to them, but now the miss-matched wear is driving me bananas. Hey, the sun just came out!

I was about type out some mumbo-jumbo like "a few snaps of my favorite parts of the week" and then I realized it's just food. So instead "here's what I've been eating lately."

Happy Sunday!

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