October 1, 2017

by - 8:02 PM

Rabbit Rabbit.


So, Duke ran us ragged today. He's such a joy, seriously, but those little legs are getting a little more powerful, and his anti nap stamina is astounding. We finally packed that little turkey up for a car ride because we were all kind of done. Duke was out in in less than two miles, so Ry and I got adventurous -- garage door shopping.  It's about as exciting as refrigerator shopping. Slightly better than buying a new roof, but less interesting than getting a new dishwasher.

We forgot to look at ceiling fans, but we did get donuts. And Duke skipped his afternoon nap, but went to bed for the night at 6pm. I didn't get to make a pumpkin bread, but I am parked on the couch watching Mad Men now. Silver linings, you know?

Small things, because really the weekend was a good one.

We mostly eat good stuff, but this was a weekend of full of things like pork tacos and sushi. Moderation, right? Turned it back around with a sweet potato tahini bowl that rocks.


We take our Sesame Street watching pretty seriously. And George takes real issue with that damn Snuffleufagus. MF looks dangerous.


Saturday was a really good day. Duke and I road tripped for the hell of it. Wound up in Cadillac. Then back in Frankfort. We had a picnic, went to the park and played on the beach. Then we hit my favorite food truck in Beulah, because tick-tock, it's about to close down for the winter.


Speaking of Saturday, SNL is back!

Ryan and I are high-fiving each other for a sleeping baby, and since happy hour and date night pretty much only happens in the confines of our own house these days, we're taking our extra hour of quiet and really partying down (quietly, in front of the TV, with the volume turned to barely audible).

Happy Sunday, y'all! Happy Fall. Happy October!

Only two more hours until the Sunday Sads set in.

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