30 Because I'm 30

by - 1:04 PM

The most hilarious thing this week: listening to JayZ rap about good credit and such. But for real, 30 is the new 20, no?

And now, because I'm vain and it didn't take me 30 years to know that, let's talk about me.

1.) Mango is my favorite fruit. I eat one most nights before I go to bed.
2.) I'd like to think I'm a Miranda with Carrie's shoes.
3.) Wally Lamb is my favorite living writer. Betty Smith is my favorite dead one.
4.) Challenge me at Scattergories. You have a solid chance at winning because I'm only medium good, but I love that game and I'm always up to playing it.
5.) I chew my fingernails when I'm drunk.
6.) Speaking of drunk, vodka water is my drink of choice. Toss in a lime if I'm fancy.
7.) I met Ryan at Peppinos in Grand Rapids.
8.) When I was in eighth grade, someone told me my pointy nose makes me look like a rat and I'm still kind of self conscious about it.
9.) I had a lisp well into high school. Then I had speech therapy.
10.) My first car was a 1991 VW Jetta. I called it the Green Machine.
11.) I'd paint every room in my house gray if Ryan would let me. So far I've talked him into 3/6.
12.) I'm crazy about lists. They're all over my desk at work, my desk at home, my kitchen counter, my fridge, on my phone, sometimes written in the palm of my hand.
13.) I wake up at 5am every morning.
14.) I have a lot of shoes, but I mostly just rotate through three pairs of flip-flops.
15.) I still think Love Spell smells great.
16.) My biggest pet peeve is people who drive in the left lane without passing.
17.) I can read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn a million times.
18.) Summer rocks. I wait all year for it (duh) and so do not talk to me about pumpkin spice or fall because I'm not here for it. I hate August because I feel so rushed out of a season that isn't over yet.
19.) My dearest wish is to write for a living someday.
20.) My second dearest wish is for my sister to visit me someday. DEANNA.
21.) My favorite movie is L.A Confidential. If I ever get famous, it might be a Jeopardy question. If I don't, it's probably a security question on my 2002 era hotmail account.
22.) The soundtrack to my life is an episode of FRIENDS in the background.
23.) I used to clean my house every Saturday morning, but since having Duke, my weekends are even more precious. I literally race home and power pack as much of the big stuff in before I go to bed on Friday night. Then it's just Duke and me time all weekend, except for the laundry interludes because that's a sun-up to sun-down job about 9 days a week.
24.) All that stuff I said about summer? True. But when fall is legitimately here, I really love it.
25.) I make two separate pots of coffee every morning. One for Ry and one for me, because we do not agree on what constitutes a perfect cup.
26.) I have spent way too much time considering my three wishes if I ever run into a genie. The only thing that never changes is teleporting. Imagine! Every night can be a vacation if there's no travel time.
27.) I am 1000% sure that George speaks and understands English. Except "Sshh, the baby is sleeping." That is just gibberish.
28.) A DIY manicure is permanently on my weekend to-do.
29.) I have zero tattoos.
30.) My third dearest wish is to eat more cheese, add extra hours to the day, be less tired, never get wrinkles and spend less money on Amazon. It's nice -- and free -- to dream, isn't it?


Happy Weekend!

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