Halloween Playlist

by - 9:18 AM

So, you guys, Duke is two, right, and he has no idea about holidays. They're just these random days and sometimes both his parents are home in the middle of the week, and definitely mom is going to dress him up, and maybe people will come over. That's the extent of it.

But let me tell you about Halloween 2018. Still not a single hint of a clue, but he is here for all the festive accoutrement I bring him. We've got spiderweb tattoos. We've got Hocus Pocus playing in the living room. We've got socks with ghosties on them, and we've got more festive jammies than there are days in October. And he claps like a little crazy man every time we pull any of it out because he got the festive gene #thankyoujesus.

We took him along to a wedding a couple of weeks ago and I danced with him at the reception, and it's like I introduced him to dancing, which is stupid because I've danced with this turkey like, a million times in the kitchen and he's never gotten into it. But now, he's a sashaying little fool and bopping all over our house. I put together a fun little halloween playlist and I'll just laugh forever watching his booty shake to some Ghostbusters.

Here's what we're tuning in to -- you can hop on the spotify playlist HERE

chill halloween playlist

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