Enjoyed Things : Volume 3

by - 7:35 AM

Hey guys, happy Saturday. Nothing more blessed than the weekend, except probably retirement, but that's so far away, it's basically a dream on the same level as winning the lottery. Cool, but like, could it ever really happen?

I took a half day yesterday for some self-care, which I know, it's such a buzz word, but hear me out. In my pre-kid life, taking any time off would always be just for me, because I didn't have anyone else to worry about. Now, it's been years since I've taken time off without a purpose. Yesterday I went to lunch by myself. I shopped and meandered about TJ Maxx without checking my watch every five minutes. I bummed around enjoying nobody talking to me or asking me for anything for about three hours. Then I went home and mopped my floors and went about my normal life. It was magical. If life could give me three hours every week to be a person, I think my cortisol levels could be different.  Universe, if you hear me, just think about it, okay?

I got home and my little chatterbox Duke told me that he's going to have hair on his face when he's big like daddy. Then he chirped "and on my butt."

I made a grilled cheese sandwich (with turkey because it's fancy) and George grabbed it off the counter while I delivered food to my invalid husband on the couch.

I started screaming like I was possessed for a second, and anyway, now you can see that everything is back to normal!


Speaking of normal, here's what we've been up to lately:

Sucking the marrow out of summer.

I had to buy Duke pants this week because the mornings are so chilly. But there's been a few pockets of glorious summer in the afternoons. I'm sure the sweltering days are over, but as long as the sun keeps peaking out and I can't see my breath when I'm outside, we'll be pretending winter is as far off as retirement and the lottery.

Farmers market still going strong. The last few summers, I was kind of lax about going to these. Like, I didn't ever make a special trip, but this year, I've been there every weekend. It's been interesting and low level educational to see the produce change. I guess I forget about seasonality when all I ever do is shop at Meijer, you know?

Drinking coffee out of my favorite cup.

Thanks for asking - A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is my favorite book. It's written by Betty Smith, who did not put out enough books in her lifetime, because she was such a wonderful writer. Joy in the Morning is another delight, and then she wrote two other books, Tomorrow Will Be Better and Maggie-Now. The other day, I was wandering around the library, looking for a book to get me through the long weekend and I randomly found the only one I haven't read - Maggie-Now

I cannot be bothered. I will be reading all day and until it's finished. 

If I can, I recommend everyone read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. It's truly magnificent. 

It's birthday season. Ryan's and Duke's birthdays are two weeks apart and always lined up right around Labor Day. We celebrated them both last Sunday, and then we'll throw a banger (lol) for Duke next Friday on his actual birthday. We're getting him a big-boy bike because we can't give him what he really wants, which is to turn into a dinosaur. 

Look at all those fancy waffle cones! Still trying to squeeze in a few last ice cream stops before everyone closes for the year. 


Lots of other small good things, like Duke curling up next to me early in the morning, whispering "cuddle Duke" and drinking coffee on the deck, enjoying these new crisp temperatures. I'm looking forward to the next several weeks. I love summer so much and you guys know that, but October is one of my favorite months. Once I grieve the end of my favorite season, I can really dig into enjoying fall. It has its qualities. 

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