LINKS | October 20, 2019

by - 9:46 AM

Yesterday, I shared this on my instagram, but I thought it was worthwhile to share here too, in case you're not a 'grammer because it was friendly reminder to have perspective. Good things are fleeting. 

Yesterday, I went grocery shopping with Duke. And really, I try to avoid that, because he'll invariably lose his mind, and maybe more importantly, I hate spending my weekend hours grocery shopping. But whatever, we were out of milk. That's an emergency.

Things were mostly going okay. He realized that if he shouted in the freezer section, his voice would carry a little, but he was literally yelling "I love you mama!" so even though I was like "indoor voice, please" I was also glad he wasn't yelling swear words or anything.

Then we got to the check out lane, and I'll tell you - Duke needs more attention than I do and that's saying something. We're at level ten outdoor voice while I'm rooting around in my purse for my debit card and this nice nice nice lady behind me just jumps in and starts chatting with Duke and playing with a can of black olives and everything just mellows out.

As I'm thanking her for being the reincarnation of Jesus Chris, she casually waves me off. "My boys used to drive me crazy, but they grew up and now I have to grocery shop alone."

That's it. I don't think she was trying to teach me anything -- she didn't say it like that. I think it was just a very pure statement. Someday I'll have a clean house, but only when I don't have Duke here to share it with me. Someday I'll sleep in on the weekends, but only when I don't have Duke to climb into bed and say "hi mom" at 5am. Someday I'll have fewer loads of laundry to do every weekend, but only when I don't have to fold twenty-seven pairs of tiny jeans and underwear.

Target shopping with Mom.



Horoscope just for the weekend? Sign me up.

2 || INTO IT

Simple halloween costumes

Tortoise shell fall nail color

Easy fall fashion



I'm on the hunt for some new fall boots, preferably ankle booties. I've had the same pair for a couple years now and when I slipped them on earlier this month, they still had last years salt all over them. This just proves my theory that we're not far enough removed from snow to start it all over again, but whatever.



Still completing my education at Hogwarts. I'm just about to finish up year two, and I'm looking forward to getting more into the meat and potatoes of this series. It's been so long since I last read through it -- I've just really been enjoying it again.


5 || LINKS

  • I'm all for a good mommy-and-me halloween costume. Duke's pretty set on being Superman this year, so I'm not sure how I'll swing it, but maybe I can talk Ryan into something like this.
  • Not a minimalist by any means, but I'd be willing to take this challenge
  • Stories from boy moms. There's a bunch here and they're all just a few sentences. If you read anything from this post, I'd recommend this one.


Listen guys, this is important. A few weeks ago, it was 7pm, I had just gotten done with work and my family was hungry. I found this macaroni and cheese recipe and I have literally made it twice a week ever since. It is truly the best.

And since I really value nutrition, I've got big plans to make these pumpkin cream cheese bars while Duke is napping this afternoon.


7 || PLANS

Ready for me to shock your socks straight off?
My big plans for the day is getting to a pumpkin patch again and getting donuts and cider again.

Northern Michigan fall Pumpkin face

Happy weekend, you guys. May your Sunday be lazy, and Monday wait patiently (maybe until never).

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