LINKS || October 6, 2019

by - 7:57 AM

So, one thing I've learned in the last few years is that a good work week means a bad writing week. And I mean that positively. When I've had a solid, busy, exhilarating week at work, I'm happy, but man, I'm also spent. So I come home from that full time job to my other one: making dinner, cleaning up dinner, feeding the dogs, putting the dogs out, chasing Duke around with his jammies, falling onto the couch at 9pm and either scrolling Instagram or asking Ryan to wake me up in 15 minutes.

I don't know why busy feels so good - in doses - but it does. And those weeks fly straight to the weekend, but I also don't put one word on paper, which always makes me think about Stephen King, who was 26 when he wrote Carrie and basically it's too late for me. See how quickly I can spiral?

Anyway. I'm on week three of good, busy weeks at work and so I'm also on week 3 of will I ever write again?


Let's start with our destiny. Where is October taking you? 

I love to laugh at this stuff, but also circle the 24th because my horoscope said it was going to be a lucky day. It'd be kind of cool if it was, right?


So I finally got a new phone. It's been years and the camera 100% went out on the last one. It was a slow death, but once it for real was gone, I lasted about a day and a half before I ordered a new one.

I still haven't gotten a case for it and I feel like this is the most dangerously I've lived in a long time. Related: Duke recently learned to tell people that danger is his middle name. And then to prove it, he'll give you his whole name, "Duke Dane-er-us Hodges."


3 || LINKS

  • THIS epically good quitting story made me stifle some laughs at my desk this week. This kind of stuff usually only happens in movies. 
    • Related - thoughts on this insane overreach? So much irony for a company that uses profanity in its DBA name. 
  • Now here's something I can support. Truly thrilling grilled cheese sandwiches.
  • Before you were a parent, you were you.
    • "Sometimes I think about the person I was before becoming a mom, and I miss her. There’s a small space within me where concerts and late dinners used to reside. Time with my family fills a lot of that space—and all of the other spaces, too—but there’s a jagged little corner which needs to be satisfied."


4 || INTO IT



Harry Potter. All month.

It's been  years since I've read the series and October feels like such a perfect time to get back into it. I won't get through the entire series and I know that -- I'm still in the first book and HP hasn't even arrived at Hogwarts yet, so I'll be lucky if I even get to Black escaping Azkaban. But even after multiple reads and all these years, it's still so good.

I'm not listening to any audio books this month since I want to stay all HP all the time, so I started listening to the Slow Burn podcast. Quick jist: it's about political scandals. Season one is Watergate. Season two is the Clinton/Lewinsky affair. I started with two and it was especially interesting because when it happened, I was old enough to be aware, but too young to get it. I'm learning the details and side-eyeing that snake, Linda Tripp, like it's all just happened. I finished up two yesterday and I'm getting into Watergate now.


6 || PLANS

So last night we lit our first fire of the season. Had to -- we woke up yesterday to a house that was 58 degrees, which is about five degrees below where I usually stomp my foot down. It felt so good to wake up to a warm and cozy house this morning. Smells so good too, you know?

Anyway, I've got big plans to pull the rest of fall together and get out all our fake pumpkins and whatnot, and if I get really ambitious - or hungry - I'd like to pack up Duke and head over to a cider mill and scoop some hot donuts.

Happy Sunday guys!

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