May Outtakes

by - 8:37 AM

Last month, right before we tipped into May, I suggested that this month would be a life-changer. I wasn't wrong, I got the job offer I'd been hoping for and made a lot of consequential life changes to accommodate the switch. I quit my job, bought a car, cancelled my lease and started looking for a new place to live. Also, I almost forgot about this little joy, I started packing packing packing my house.

Very quickly, a couple of things : a home that you've lived in for 3+ years is the opposite of easy to pack. I mean, it's disconcerting to see empty bookshelves and to have already lost the silverware, but what's more, is the sheer amount of stuff that I have complacently accumulated over the years. Why do I have magazines from 2001? Why!?

And you know, no matter how busy you are, doing whatever it is you do (in this case, pack and make routine 8-hour roundtrip drives to find a house to live in where you now "live") real life doesn't take a break. It doesn't stop, it doesn't even slow down. Real life continues, full steam ahead.

Ryan opened a new business. Our nephew graduated from high school. We had Memorial Day and the unofficial, weather supported, kick off to Summer.

May changed us for good.

And now, for a peek at our month.

(The lady got herself a new deck.)


I'll be back, very soon I hope, to actually write. Things will eventually wind down and sort themselves out, I imagine. Here's to that "sorting itself out" thing happening sooner, rather than later. 

Cheers to the weekend and cheers to June!

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