Best of 2014

by - 11:57 AM

About a year ago, I asked 2014 to throw some challenges my way. I guess I was hoping for easy challenges, but I was so unprepared for the very real challenges that came my way. The good news, though, is that I did get what I asked for. And I changed, and grew, and learned a little about myself.

I became more persistent, more resilient, and more confident in red lipstick.

That said, 2015 -- please be easy going. Please be the Sunday morning of my life. Please be more summer than winter, more pina colada than whiskey, and altogether, more lounging around in pajamas.

I'm ready for some right-lane cruising. At least for a little while.


That all said -- 2014 was a gift, as another year of life always is. Like I said, I changed and learned a lot. My life was blessed with a lot of good days.

Casa Hodges had some good stuff in 2014.


The annual Arizona trip - March 2014
And the last "spring break" of my academic and professional life.


I moved. And I took Ryan with me. 



And baked.
Kind of an accomplishment for a girl who would previously live on popcorn just for the convenience of it all.

We explored our new home. 
And had friends help us navigate this new place.

Celebrating the first year
Not divorced yet. 

Northern Michigan seasons.

And we had some really random good stuff.
The best part of every year.

It was a really good year. 

Au revoir 2014. See ya never. 
Welcome 2015. Be awesome, please. 

If you're interested, there were my favorite posts of 2014:

That time when I didn't give up. At least, not immediately.
When I asked God to help me win BINGO. And he didn't.
I gave up candy for Lent and it was terrible.
Root canal. 'Nuff said.

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