36 Weeks

by - 7:19 PM

Every single friggin' day, I say to myself, "I'm going home to write a blog tonight!" And then I get there and I eat seven popsicles, and then talk a little about dinner, and maybe surf Facebook for a minute, and then sit down on the couch, and then that's it. I'm sleeping.

In other news; when I'm not sleeping, I'm formally nesting. Which I didn't really even believe in until this week. Suddenly everything in my house looks unfinished and we are definitely not ready to bring a baby home. Do you know that I still have a two -- two! -- boxes of unhung picture frames from when we moved in? I cannot be a parent.

Other fun randoms:
  • For the first time ever, someone guessed the baby's name. People have been throwing guesses at us for months, and no one has been even remotely close. Then this weekend, someone threw it out there. Of course, he doesn't know he guessed it, but he did. 
  • Best news ever: I had a doctor's appointment today and our little dude is prepped and ready to roll. He's head down, probably weighing in at roughly 6ish pounds, and she said the magical words "any day now." 
  • But then I got home and remembered that I still haven't bought a rug for the baby's room, and definitely haven't appreciated to the fullest extent that these are the final weeks of just me and Ryan. FOREVER guys, forever. And that "any day now" sounds pretty fucking scary all of a sudden. 
Now, before I get into the baby update, let's talk about George.
You guys, he's a big boy now!

Okay, now let's talk about me again. And chill out -- I'm wearing a bathing suit.

How far along? 36 Weeks. 
Total weight gain: Over it. My thighs touch if I don't wear Spanx and that's all I know. 
Maternity Clothes? Yes. Sometimes I have to look at old pictures to remember that I used to actively choose cute things to wear. I'm ready to return, but in the meantime, I'm down to functional over fashionable. Sob. 
Stretch marks?  Yesssss. They've finally started showing up. I really thought I was going to get away with it, but now they're creeping up on my hips. Still none on my belly, surprisingly. 
Sleep: Like a dream. I just can't get enough. Like, really, I cannot get as much sleep as I need. I'm exhausted all the time and could really go for a nap at any second. 
Best moment this week: No question, celebrating my brother and sister-in-law's wedding. It was beautiful, it was fun, and their favorite people are some of my favorites, too. 
Miss anything?  Well, let me tell you. I initially thought that when I couldn't wear heels anymore, the baby could just then get the fuck out. This weekend, my feet puffed up to elephantine proportions and event my sandals are calling it a day and so here we are. Get out. 
Movement: Oh man, it's insane. I read that the baby is running out of room and there's not as much fluid to buffer around in there, so I feel every single turn and twitch and hiccup. Seriously, he blinks and I feel a little bounce. 
Food cravings: Popsicles. Blue and green. Last night I gave Ryan a blue popsicle and it was a little like the time he gave me a diamond ring. We both know what it means for our relationship -- we're solid and I will sacrifice for him. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Randomly my prenatals are giving me the quesies first thing in the AM. 
Labor signs: Nothing out of the ordinary. A doctor -- not my doctor, but a doctor, which is as good as the holy gospel to me -- said that my belly has dropped. I almost started crying because it makes me so happy. 
Symptoms: Waddling because there is a head in my pelvis full time now. And general impatience. I'm over my whole life right now. 
Belly button in or out? The pop-up timer is out. 
Rings on or off? 100% off and they're not going back on until the swelling goes down. 
Happy or moody? I'm a crab apple. I'm almost exhausted from having to apologize to people for my negative mental attitude. 
Looking forward to: Hm - oh right - delivery. And the fall. I'm extra excited because I will shop for regular clothes and since maternity is kind of boring, my shopping game has been a little lackluster for the last few months. I can't wait to get all kinds of materialistic and buy things again! And I remembered that I will deliver just in time to start enjoying some 'tis the season varieties of hard cider and pumpkin beer and witches brew. I'm not an alcoholic you guys, but pretend you didn't have dessert for nine months. Wouldn't you dream about cupcakes?

Happy Tuesday, you guys!

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