
by - 1:42 PM

I finally took my Christmas tree down yesterday, Consequently, I considered titling this post "Saturdays and Other Sad Stories" but figured that would be an inaccurate reflection of Saturdays as a whole. Saturdays are good -- long live Saturday.

In any case, it's kind of a cycle. Every year, as I'm cheerfully hanging tinsel and watching Home Alone for the bobillionth time, I look a little gloomily at the taking down process. But then come January, it just feels slightly cathartic to take down the cozy. It feels fresh, I guess.

Anyway -- this isn't about Christmas.

It was fast week. Holy-smokes. I was super busy at work and then American Idol is back, so that had my attention for a few days. I used to curl up on my couch with a glass of wine and my bestie, Kelsey, each week, but then one of us decided to move a few hours away......Anyway, we still managed to kick it together via text message, and were in mutual top judging mode. For the record, we wouldn't have let the Queen singer through. Nor 90% of the others who got a golden ticket. AI just isn't what it used to be.

In other unnatural news, it was freezing cold early in the week -- like -23 degrees cold, but by Saturday, we hit 40, which felt downright tropical. I'm counting down the days to summertime, but yesterday was a nice lull from the winter weather.

I've had a slight case of the cabin fevers, brought on primarily by one too many snow days and about 10-years worth of Friends episodes (no, seriously). Ryan and I decided to hop in the car and just roam around, which was pretty fun and kept us busy for the afternoon.

I'm not sure any would suggest that we don't have a sense of humor. But seriously -- who didn't see that well placed flaw in the wood. I'd have definitely called for a redo on that project. Whatever, it served our mutual juvenile sense of humor quickly and efficiently. We laughed. It was good. 


We found an Up North Live deal for a restaurant that neither of us has ever been to and kind of let that guide our day. Too bad we arrived there around 2 for a late lunch, and learned that they don't open until 4. Ha! We ended up shelving the idea and eating somewhere else. 

Another day. 


Alright, so for a quick highlight reel -- wins for the week, if you will:

- I bleached my hair and it didn't fall out this time. I high-fived myself for a lack of bald spots and went on with my week. 

- I put socks on Ralph's feet when he goes outside primarily because it's super cold, but also because it's hilarious. I've never actually seen someone take crystal meth, but I bet the jerky, lack of certainty as to how far one's feet are from the ground, are similar to Ralph in socks. I just stand in the window and watch that little dork march around, pulling his legs high into the air with each step. 

- I baked some cookies that are basically brownies in cookie format. And I also managed to have milk at home -- by accident! 


I guess you can see things haven't spiced up much since last week, but whatever, at least I left my house this weekend. I call that a winner. 

Cheers to Sunday Funday!

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